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Breed Her Page 3

  “Tonight shall be very pleasurable indeed,” Soran said with a harsh, animalistic growl.

  “Soran, please.” Rylan gritted out and stood. He made his way to the cooking area pouring four mugs full of pink liquid. Zarek grinned at her right before he stood and moved toward him, grabbed two of the mugs, and walked back toward them. He handed one to Tessa, who took it and eyed the contents. It smelled fruity. Rylan sat beside his brothers again, and she couldn’t help but feel like their prey as they watched her with hunger in their expressions. They leaned back as if in unison, brought their mugs to their mouths, and took hearty drinks, all the while keeping their gazes locked on her.

  “Do you know anything about our kind, Tessa?” Rylan spoke clearly, but there was a harsh note to his voice, reminding her of a rusted blade. She shook her head. They had to know that the humans that were alive kept hidden. “Our kind hits a point in our lives where the need to find a female and breed with her becomes unbearable.”

  “Darkness will overtake us if we don’t find a female,” Soran said slowly.

  Tessa tightened her hands around her mug. So far she thought she had handled everything quite well, but knowing what they wanted her for, to carry their young, had apprehension filling her. For one thing their sizes were massive, and surely their children would be as well.

  “This isn’t about fucking until there is nothing left to give, female. This is about claiming you, binding you to us because you are ours,” Zarek said softly, but he didn’t look as stern as the other two. “We don’t want a female to lie on her back and accept everything we have to give because that is her fate.”

  “We want a companion, a female to bear us children and live her life with us. We don’t want a slave, Tessa. Well, not unless that pleasures you.” Soran grinned, but it wasn’t lecherous. How strange everything had turned out, so instantaneous and unbelievable, but then again wasn’t that how life was? She had been living one day at a time, and after twenty-three sun cycles she realized that nothing could be taken for granted, and the next day might never come. That was how she lived her life, enjoying the small things, and thanking the heavens that she had been able to see the next sunrise.

  But then she had been taken, and these three males were her future now. She could run, jump to her very death over the cliff and end all of this, but she didn’t want to die. These males were offering her safety, affection, and a family. Hadn’t she always dreamed of children, of having a man that looked upon her like there was no one else? There might be desire in their dark eyes, but they also looked at her like they felt they were so very lucky to have her in their lives? Could they want her that deeply after only being in her presence for such a short time? Yes, she knew it was possible with any species. Lust and love were very different. And although she was only feeling one of those right now, she wondered if down the road she could possibly feel the other.

  “I understand this is moving very quickly for you to understand, as you are not of our kind, but we are the warriors of Hades, and as such must live life a certain way.” Rylan spoke directly to her. “And this is that way, Tessa. But we can’t let you go. We won’t.” His words were hard and determined. “Our world is not meant to harbor human life. You wouldn’t last beyond the safety of these walls, Tessa, so for your safety, and our peace of mind, you must know your place as well.” He spoke without remorse, and although she wouldn’t be a prisoner, she also knew that they were right. This wasn’t her world, and she wasn’t like them. Her body wasn’t meant to stand the intense heat, and she had only gotten a sample of it when Rylan had flown them to his home. Could she give these males a chance? All three of them?

  “Your uncertainty is understandable, but you must know that there really is no other option. It is either us, or death out there, because we will not let you go.” Tessa saw the way Rylan tensed his hands so hard the red flesh lightened from the force. “We want you, Tessa. Badly.” She dipped her eyes low, as if they had a mind of their own, and saw the massive erections that pressed against each of their pants. They were big, seemingly everywhere, and although she had been with a few human males sexually from her camp, nothing compared to the males of Hades.

  Her heart was pounding so hard and fast as she looked between them. Was she really going to do this? Did she really have a choice? She nodded, knowing that this was it, her future, and she was staring at it in three sets of frightening, yet desirable, eyes. Your fate could be far worse, Tessa. You could have ended up with the other males at the auctions, ones that might not actually be gentle and kind, and be considerate of what you wanted. “Okay.”

  All three of them grinned slowly, their satisfaction evident and causing something to stir inside of her, growing brighter and hotter, and causing the fire that was just below this mountain to seem unsubstantial compared to what she felt. Zarek gestured at the mug she held.

  “Drink up, little human.” Zarek grinned, and then brought his mug back to his mouth to finish the rest of his drink and then slammed the mug on the table in front of them. Soran was next to finish his, but it seemed as though Rylan took his time. He watched her over the rim of his cup, those all black eyes looking like bottomless black holes, but making her feel like he knew far more than he let on.

  “Go on, Tessa, it’s just juice from the Ventina berries that grow along one of the eight fire lakes.” Zarek grinned broadly.

  She lifted the mug to her mouth, but right before she took a sip Rylan said, “Just to forewarn you, that drink will cause a euphoric sensation inside of you.” She looked between the three of them, and then looked back at Rylan.

  “Although, it will only add to your arousal if you have it simmering inside of you,” Soran said with a harsh, gravelly voice. He leaned forward, rested his thickly muscled forearms on his thighs, and watched her with a stoic, hard expression. “But I can sense that undertone of curiosity, fear, and, of course, your desire. There is no shame in wanting us so soon. In essence we are all animals with baser urges. Your body knows we will treat you well. You know we will treat you well.”

  “And our baser urges are roaring out to take you, Tessa. You’re our female. Ours.” She breathed heavily, and the place between her thighs pulsed at Rylan’s words. The drink she held called to her, and she glanced down at it. “It’s only a drink. It won’t make you some sex-starved maniac.” The brothers smiled. “It will just help you relax, that is all.” Tessa could have set it aside, could have let the natural things that were bound to happen take their course, but she was tense over the situation. She had decided on what she would do, and that was stay with these males and have a life with them.

  Taking a small sip of the drink, the berry flavor exploded along her tongue. It was pleasant on the palate, and immediately a warmth spread through her mouth, down her throat, and filled every available spot inside of her. She finished the liquid and set the cup on the table. The heat inside of her intensified, and her arousal climbed up another notch, but it wasn’t as if she couldn’t control herself. How she felt reminded her of the one time she had inadvertently eaten a plant that made her feel pleasure. It had consumed her, but not in the good way one would want. Instead she had felt Elysium, but sickness as well. This drink they had given her only made her feel relaxed, content, and helped loosen up her muscles so she didn’t feel so tense. There was no more fear, no more uncertainty, and all she sensed inside of her as she stared at these warriors, was her dormant arousal lifting higher and higher until she felt lightheaded.

  “The Ventina berries suit you well, little female.” Zarek stood and slowly walked toward her. Tessa craned her neck back so she could look into his face. The urge to lift her hands and run them over his chest ran strong inside of her, but she kept herself still. Yes, this was so unbelievably fast and made her head spin, but she also felt good, and it wasn’t just because she had the juice. These aliens had a prowess that came from them. It was heady and intoxicating, and she felt wholly feminine, had felt that way from the moment she had looke
d in Rylan’s eyes. She was far from thin, had lived a healthy, full life at her camp where food hadn’t been scarce, but these men made her feel tiny. Zarek lifted his hand and took a lock of her hair in his fingers. He lifted the damp strands off her shoulders at the same time he crouched before her. He eyed her blonde hair as if it were the strangest thing he had ever seen.

  “I have never seen hair this color before.” There wasn’t any question inside of her that these warriors were feared amongst many. They certainly had that menacing quality to them, but Zarek looked at her gently, and she actually found herself leaning into his touch. “This will be good, Tessa. So very good.”

  For some inexplicable reason she knew this, felt it to her bones. It will be very good and feel so very wonderful if you just submit.

  “You are the perfect female for us, so lush and soft, and very exotic.” Zarek lowered his eyes to her mouth. She could blame the drink on her sudden overwhelming desire to be with them, but that would be a lie. The juice had certainly aided in making her feel less strung tight, but this was all her, and she knew this was going to happen sooner or later. Might as well embrace it with arms open. “You want to give yourself to us, but you also want to stay strong and survive.” He leaned in another inch until she smelled sweetness of his breath. “Don’t fight it. Just let it take you away, and let us take care of you.” With that he leaned in the rest of the way and took her mouth in a brutal kiss.

  She heard Rylan and Soran groan through the pulse pounding in her ears, but when she lifted her hands and placed them on Zarek’s wide, rock-hard shoulders, it wasn’t to push him away but to keep him close. She curled her fingers into his flesh, and a hiss left him.

  “That’s it, my little female. Give me a little bit of pain.” Her murmured against her mouth, and then took his huge hand and cupped the back of her neck, speared his fingers into her hair, and tilted her head so he could deepen the kiss. There wasn’t any part of her mouth that he didn’t touch with his tongue, and that intoxicating flavor that she had scented from him filled her, and made her feel like she was soaring. Before she knew what she was doing Tessa moaned against him, pulled him closer, and realized this wasn’t nearly enough. But Zarek was unrelenting as he probed his tongue in and out, making her feeling like he was doing that right between her legs.

  Heat surrounded her, and she didn’t need to break the kiss to know that one of the brothers was behind her. Only a millisecond passed before she felt hands land on her shoulder and slowly peel away the hide that covered her nudity. Chilled air greeted her exposed flesh despite the fact she was overheated with lust.

  Lips trailed across her bared shoulder, and then she heard Soran’s deep voice. “So soft,” The sting of his elongated incisors scraping along the tender flesh had her shaking, but it felt so deliciously good. Tessa had to break away and suck in a lungful of air, but it was no use. She was climbing higher and higher, and all it had taken was a few skilled touches from them to make her lose her mind. She wouldn’t stop this, couldn’t, because what was life without throwing caution to the wind and going after what felt good?

  Chapter Four

  They had since moved into a massive room, one that held a platform type bed with plush coverings. There was a groove in the stone that held a silver plate seemingly suspended in the air, and on that plate was swirling fire. Tessa assumed this to be the main sleeping chamber. Rylan touched her shoulder, and when their flesh connected, a jolt of electricity speared through her. He led her to the platform with Zarek and Soran close behind.

  “It’s okay.” They all seemed to whisper at the same time, but the effect was mesmerizing as the sound swirled around her. A haze had since taken over her, and as one of the brothers turned her around and gently set her on the bed, she finally realized that she was about to take on all three of these men. She wasn’t a virgin, but there was still trepidation that she couldn’t possibly take them comfortably in her body. But Rylan seemed to read her mind, because after he turned and grabbed a vial of clear gel he was back in front of her. Tessa’s chest rose and fell forcefully, and her nipples beaded almost painfully.

  “This will help you take us easily, Tessa.” Rylan’s chest was rising just as hard and fast as hers, and then Soran was moving behind her, taking hold of her shoulders and pulling her back. She now lay flat on her back, nearly every part of her exposed, but it seemed they wanted to see more.

  “Spread for us, female.” Zarek growled out the words, and she curled her hands into the coverings beneath her. Placing a foot flat on the bedding, she moved them back so her heels touched her bottom. Apparently she wasn’t going fast enough because Zarek placed his hands on her knees and wrenched her thighs open. A small whimper left her, but it was one of pleasure. All three males growled deep in their throats when her pussy was exposed and her labia parted obscenely, and in a matter of minutes they were all standing in front of her and unlacing their leathers. Once they had their pants removed, and they were just as nude as she was, Tessa took a long moment to just stare at their bodies. God, they were so powerfully built. No one was made stronger than the others, and even their cocks were impressive in length and girth. Her pussy clenched on its own at the sight of their erections, ones that were as thick as her wrist, and longer than she thought physically possible, but then again these were not of the human variety.

  “Look at her pussy, brothers.” Soran was the one who spoke, his gaze on her exposed cleft, and his voice deep. He took hold of the root of his cock, and moved his palm up and down the length of his shaft. A visible shiver worked through his whole body, and she felt her eyes widen as a bead of pre-cum started to form at the head of his shaft right before it fell very slowly to the ground. “So pink and wet, swollen and primed to be fucked.” Soran lifted his eyes from her splayed thighs and took a step closer. “Isn’t that right, Tessa?” He took one more step, and she felt the heat from him surround her. She nodded, not trusting her voice. “Yes, you would like to be fucked by all of us, to be claimed by a Hades warrior.” He hadn’t given her a chance to respond, but then again she didn’t think he had meant it as a literal question. Before she could anticipate what he was doing Soran was on his knees between her legs. He placed a hand on either side of inner thighs, added enough pressure that she was forced to spread even wider to accommodate his broad shoulders, and felt unused muscles stretch uncomfortably. But she liked the burn he caused within her, and liked that his warm breath teased her folds.

  “Tell us how she tastes, brother,” Zarek gritted out, and she forced herself to lift her gaze from staring at Soran so close to her pussy and look at the other two. Rylan and Zarek were stroking themselves so forcefully that the veins in their forearms stood out under their flesh, and their muscles and tendons contracted. Watching a male pleasure himself had been something she had inadvertently walked in on while at camp, but this was something completely different. This seemed carnal and erotic, and it was all because of her. The way they looked at her made her feel like she was it for them, like her body was one to be worshipped.

  “Oh.” That lone word left her in a high pitched cry at the first feel of Soran running his tongue up and down her pussy. There was a slight roughness to their tongues, and she had noticed it during her kiss back in the main room, too, but feeling it on the most sensitive part of her was like nothing she had ever felt before. He parted her folds with his thumbs, flicked his tongue back and forth over her clit, causing the already engorged bud to become even more sensitive.

  “She’s sweet and musky, and so fucking wet. My face is covered in her cream.” The deep vibrations from Soran’s voice caused a wistful sigh to leave her, but that soon turned into loud moans and groans from her and all three brothers as their combined arousals filled the air. Soran broke away, his mouth glossy from her juices, and reached out to snag a chunk of her hair behind her head. Yanking her forward, he slammed his mouth against hers, and speared his tongue in her mouth. The flavor of her pussy coating his tongue slid along her t
aste buds, mixing with his own essence, and having her moan even louder against his lips. He pulled away, his grin cocky and pleased, but he didn’t step back. Instead, Soran gripped his dick, and placed a knee on the bedding beside her body. Tessa’s pulse pounded fast and hard, and her tongue swelled with the need to taste all of them.

  “Go on, Tessa, taste him,” Zarek said low. There was no way she could possibly take all of him in her mouth, but she curled her fingers around his taut, ridged side, opened her mouth, and let him guide the tip of his erection past the seam of her lips. The crown filled her mouth completely, and even though her jaw ached trying to take him in, she didn’t stop. With a few expert moves, she was lying on her back with Soran’s cock still in her mouth. Rylan moved between her legs, and Zarek was on the other side of her. The nudge of hard flesh against the side of her breast had more wetness spilling from her.

  “Taste me, female.” She let Soran’s cock slip from her mouth and turned her head to see Zarek holding his cock out for her to take, too. God, she felt like some kind of fiend for them, like she couldn’t get enough of their flavor and touch.

  “You were made for us, Tessa. Look at how easily you submit, comply with our sexual demands, and give so easily.” Rylan had a hand on either side of her waist, and his shaft jutted from between his thighs like another limb. “I’m going to claim you, and then I’m going to watch my brothers do the same.” Tessa couldn’t get enough air into her lungs, because the dark, demanding way Rylan spoke, was a bit frightening, but so very pleasurable, too. “Now, suck on Zarek’s cock, stroke Soran, and feel as I claim you, mate with you, and breed you.”

  Breed. That word shouldn’t have made her wetter, or think of filthier things, but it did, in every shape and form. The feel of slickness pressed against the side of her mouth had her turning her head, and immediately she licked up the length of Zarek’s dick. He was just as large as his brothers, and saliva pooled in her mouth trying to take all of him in. Reaching out and gripping Soran’s dick, she stroked him slow and easy, trying to do both things at one time while her mind was filled with images of how far things would eventually go. She had only been with one man at a time, and certainly never males like these, but she wouldn’t stop. Her body and mind were screaming for her to go further, take it one step further, and be fully claimed by them.