Breed Her Read online

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  He pushed open the large door, and as soon as the fresh air hit them she coughed and gagged from the intense smoke that rose up from the rocky ground like menacing black fingers.

  The air wasn’t fresh and crisp as it was on Etera. It smelled slightly sulfuric. The heat was also intense enough that her already sweaty skin became even wetter. He looked down at her, and she was caught in his onyx stare. There was no white of his eyes, just blackness that reminded her of the endless night, and had her even more apprehensive as to what this alien had planned for her. He started to speak in that strange, trance-like language. He had to know she wouldn’t understand him. He grinned, and it was a scary as sin sight, one that had her pulse racing, because she could only imagine what he had said that made him happy. His teeth were straight and white, but he had elongated incisors, ones that had her thinking of all kinds of horrifying scenarios where he punctured her flesh over and over again. She swallowed, but didn’t dare move. He lifted his head and scanned from left to right.

  She had just become the devil’s concubine. The demon looked back down at her. A soft sound filtered around them, but soon it became deafening, and then there was a gust of wind that surrounded them. A glance over his arm showed Tessa that he had giant black wings sprouting from his back. They had to have a wingspan of fourteen feet. He said something else, and then they were airborne, but Tessa didn’t make a sound, just clenched her teeth, closed her eyes, and prayed to whoever would listen that whatever her fate was, it wouldn’t be painful and would go very fast.


  Rylan glanced down at his female and let his grin spread even wider. She was scared, and rightly so, but she was trying to appear strong. But his senses were far more acute than a mere human’s, and he had no trouble picking up every little emotion that played inside of her. The wind that moved across his body was humid and filled with smoke, but if she had opened her eyes and looked down, she would have been able to make out the rivers of lava, and the jagged mountains just a few feet beneath them. His duster flapped behind him, and he curled his claws deeper into her skin, not breaking the flesh but keeping her close to her body. It was a reminder that any sudden movement could bring her very death, and although he wouldn’t let her fall, this small human needed to know what her place was, and that this world did not cater to a weaker, gentler species

  The Tartanaian Mountains came into view—the home he shared with his two brothers. He dipped low, curled his wings further into his body, and turned to the right to clear the narrow mountain opening. He took a left, let his wings spread out their full width, and glided across the thick air the rest of the way. She made a small noise, and the scent of her fear slammed into him. Her species didn’t hide their emotions very well, and it was as if they shouted what they thought to everyone around. To survive was to be discreet, and it was no surprise that the human kind had perished. His kind was a feared species across all of the Stoker Galaxy. But after centuries of power and victory, that reputation had been earned ten times over. Rylan looked down, saw her eyes tightly closed, and did commend her for the strength and bravery she displayed. But he also noticed that the sweat that covered her body was more pronounced, that her breathing was labored, and he sensed her body temperature rise. He needed to get her inside and to a cooler temperature. His world was not meant for her species, or any other life that wasn’t of the Hades kind. But Rylan was a male of little emotion, and although he certainly didn’t want to see his female uncomfortable or distressed, he wasn’t about to release her because of it either. This may not be a world she was created for, but this was her home now. Rylan and his brothers would just make their home livable for her, and that is where she would stay.

  The opening in the side of the mountain that was his home came into view. Two lakes of molten lava, with flames surrounding it, were thirty feet below. He swooped down, landed on the outcropping, and folded his wings in. They molded to his body before pressing into his skin and disappearing. Now all that remained was the dark outline of those wings etched into his back. The female had yet to open her eyes, but he didn’t coax her into doing that. Slipping into the mountain, Rylan made his way through the long, winding tunnel that led deeper into the monstrous rock. The temperature started to decrease, and the further he descended the cooler it became. His human started to breathe easier, and he heard her heart rate slow. He would need to hydrate her, and so he quickened his pace, feeling a sort of anxious sensation move through him. He wasn’t used to the feeling and didn’t care for it. And it appeared this tiny female brought that out in him.

  The lights that lined the jagged walls on either side of him were lit with the Fetta oil buried deep within the rock that made up his planet. It burned bright, and when directly linked to the stone it derived energy from it, making its longevity infinite. He sensed her rouse further, felt her become more comfortable, and something inside of him grew pleased over this fact.

  “This is your new home, female.” She couldn’t understand him, but that would change soon enough. The last tunnel he moved down opened up to the great room. His brothers were nowhere to be seen, and he didn’t sense their presence within any of the many rooms in their mountain home. When he set her on the ground and took a step back, she immediately covered herself with her arms. “You will not hide yourself from me, or my brothers.” Rylan smiled in what he knew was a predatory fashion. “Yes, female, you are not only mine, but my siblings’ as well.”

  If only she knew what he was saying, she probably would have tried to run, but he saw intelligence when he looked at her, and soon enough she would understand fully that every part of her would be consumed by the three of them.

  He moved to the sitting area, which consisted of Santina hide benches, tables made from the bones, teeth, and claws of the great Devoura beast, and thick rugs created from the fur of Brost creatures. Rylan let her take everything in, didn’t say anything more about her role in their lives, and when he stood right behind her, taking in the glorious shape of her rounded, full ass, he knew he would have to use all of his strength to be gentle when he took her the first time. Her body was all curves, but she was small compared to them, and no doubt her pussy would have to be stretched slowly before she could take all of them the way he intended: deep, hard, and with her screams of pleasure filling his ears. He folded a thin blanket around her shoulders, and she jumped slightly. He wanted her nude, wanted to see her breasts and cunt that were his, but he also saw the slight bumps on her arms and legs, and knew the drastic change in temperature, as well as her uncertainty of what her future held, had her chilled. He motioned for her to follow, and after a few seconds she took a small, hesitant step. The room he led her into was a bathing chamber. She kept her distance when they entered the small cavern. Running his hands along the outcropping of the stone wall, he found the indentation and pressed down. Instantly the scent of fresh water filled the air and poured out of the wall like the waterfalls he had seen countless times on other planets. He placed his hand under the spray, looked over at her, and lifted a brow. She looked from the water to him, and then back to the enclosure that was filling with steam. Turning to grab cleansing beads and a hide for her to dry off with when she was finished, he turned back toward her and handed her the items. She reached out for them, and when they were clutched to her chest she looked back into his face. She was curious about what was happening, but before he put the translator in her Rylan thought she may enjoy cleaning the sweat and grime from her body. He turned and moved past her, and when he was out of the bathing chamber he clenched his hands into tight fists and held onto his strength. What he wanted to do was bury his dick deep inside of her, take her right there against the smoothed wall of the bathing chamber until she came around his cock. But there would be plenty time for that, and right now he needed to make sure everything was in order.

  He moved into the cooking area, one that held their preserved meats, and their heating elements, and opened up one of the lower drawers in the built-in sto
ne shelving. They might have been an advanced race, with superior spacecrafts, but Rylan and his brothers didn’t need technology in their dwellings to be comfortable. They preferred a simpler life, one where they hunted for their food, killed the beasts with their bare hands, and built the items in their home. It was somewhat primitive living, but it suited them, and they felt warriors should live off of what they acquired by sheer strength and willpower.

  He grabbed the small silver disk that was no bigger than a pebble, the injector, and set the items on the counter. He rested his hands on the smooth, cold surface, and breathed out. She was really here, the female that was to be their mate, and he couldn’t even describe the pleasure that brought him. It didn’t take very long for him to sense her emerge from the bathing chamber. He turned and stared at her wrapped only in that hide, and the sight of the beads of water slipping down her curvy form had his pulse pounding at the head of his dick.

  Rylan may be versed in many languages, and wanted to tell her how gorgeous she looked to him at that moment, but the language she spoke was not something may species learned. It was a primitive and nearly extinct dialect, and dying out. That was why she must have the translator injected in her so she could speak with them in their native language. His female’s eyes widened as she stared at what he held. Once he inserted the translator into her neck, she’d be able to understand their language, and then know where she stood with them. He stopped right before he reached her, and held his empty hand out for her to take. She eyed it at first, very hesitant, but that was smart and to be expected. He was, after all, a predator, and if she wasn’t afraid of him and didn’t listen to her instincts, then she wouldn’t have made a very good mate at all. He gestured with her to come closer with a curl of his fingers, and after only a few seconds she slipped her hand into his much larger one. As he pulled her close so only an inch separated them, his cock jerked behind his leathers at the scent of her. Gone was the subtle scent of her sweat and the dirt that had marred her perfect body. Now what was left was the fresh aroma from the cleansing beads. The hide did nothing to conceal the large mounds of her breasts, or the fact her nipples were erect. He wanted her desperately, and the urge to breed with her ran him hard. Lifting his hand to gently cup the side of her face, he tilted her head to the side and pressed the injector to her skin. She started to breathe heavily, and the scent of her fear filled his nose like the sulfur that rose from the ground. Fortunately, she didn’t move.

  When he slipped the disk into the chamber, the injector lit up a brilliant white, and before he had the anticipation of what he was going to do fester inside of her, he pressed the end of the cylindrical pen, pushing the disk into her neck. A sharp cry left her, but he already had the needle removed from her neck. She rubbed the spot and watched him with wide eyes. He knew the translator worked instantly as it dissolved into her body and traveled to her brain. He stared at her for several long moments. The color of her eyes was a startling blue, a shade he had never seen before. His planet only had dark shades and startling red that covered their land, but he had traveled the galaxy enough to have seen a wide range of colors. But her shade of blue was by far the most alluring color he had ever seen.

  Her hair hung over her shoulders and down her back in thick, wavy strands of golden brightness. It reminded him of the horizon right before the sun rose.

  “Are you hungry?”

  She swallowed, and lifted her hand to her throat. Yes, she obviously realized what he had done and that was the reason she understood him clearly. After a few seconds she shook her head.

  She licked her lips and looked around. “You put a translator in my neck?” He knew the question had been rhetorical, but he nodded regardless. She still rubbed the spot he injected, but the small puncture wound had healed as soon as he removed the needle thanks to the healing gel that it emitted after insertion. She knitted her brows and finally said, “What now?” She dropped her hand back to the hide and tightened her fingers around it.

  He gestured for her to have a seat in the sitting area. She eyed it, but didn’t refuse. Once she was seated he got her a mug filled with water and some Leena meat that they had dried into strips of jerky. She might have said she wasn’t hungry, but he didn’t know the last time she had eaten, and feeding his female pleased him. He went back to her, handed her the items, and once she took them he sat in the seat across from her.

  “I inserted a translator so that we can communicate. I don’t think this pairing would have been very good if we couldn’t speak to one another.” She nodded, looked down at the mug, and then slowly brought it up to her mouth. “What are you called?” She took a sip and then licked her bottom lip, collecting a bead of water on the tip of her tongue. Good heavens, was that a hot fucking sight to witness. His cock jerked forward, all but cursing him for not claiming her right now.

  “Tessa.” She said her name softly, and all Rylan could imagine was her whispering filthy things while he fucked her hard. He leaned back on the bench. “I am called Rylan.” Arms behind his head and legs kicked out in front of him, Rylan enjoyed just watching her. He couldn’t remember when he had ever felt this sensation inside of him. It was contentment at its finest, and he relished it. “You are here because you are to be my mate, my female, and the one that I will breed my young upon.” Her eyes widened, and he saw the pulse at the base of her throat jump. “But it isn’t just me you shall please and mother young to, but my brothers as well.”

  Before she could say anything the sound of his brothers coming in from the entrance of the cave echoed off the walls. His female stood quickly, spun around, and stared at the twins, backing up with almost panicked strides.

  “It’s okay, Tessa. Everything is okay.” Rylan stood slowly, moved close to her, and grinned down at her and the fact she didn’t retreat from him. She may have just come into his life, but there was an instinctual part of her that knew he wouldn’t harm her, and that she could be protected if in his presence. He was staring into her face when he sensed his brothers’ movements still. Rylan reached out and took her shoulders in his hands and moved her so he was behind his mate. She would soon be aware that it wasn’t just him that she was mated to, but the two males staring at her with hungry expressions.

  Chapter Three

  Tessa stared at the two huge, alien males in front of her. Rylan stood behind her and had his big hands on shoulders. Her flesh puckered from the sensation. He moved from behind her and went to stand with the other two males. She was to belong to all three of these fearsome looking males. She was way out of her element here. Ever since she had been born all she had known was living a very simple life with other humans. The only planet she had ever called home housed other species, of course, but her camp of humans had only ventured far enough to hunt for food or gather water. As a species that was on the verge of not existing any longer, they didn’t take risks, and sure as hell didn’t go looking for trouble. But here she was, standing before three males that looked like they wanted to devour her, and as much as she should run for her life, she knew the world that awaited her outside of this cave would not be forgiving if she ventured through it. But she also hadn’t been harmed, and in fact Rylan had allowed her to bathe privately, had given her food, water, and something to cover her body with. Even if their presence was intimidating, her instincts didn’t scream at her that this was a perilous situation. That was strange to her, but she had always trusted her instincts. The three males moved over to the sitting area after several moments of no one speaking.

  “Are you sure the translator works? She hasn’t said anything since we entered.” One of the twins, whom she had heard been addressed as Soran, had his legs stretched out in front of him and a smirk on his face as he lounged in one of the seats. The fear she had initially felt had since vanished, because she knew these men didn’t mean her any harm. They could have easily harmed her a hundred times over by now.

  “She is quite lush for a human.” The one named Zarek made no secret of it as he move
d his black eyes up and down her body, and although she still wore the hide, Tessa felt completely bared to them. “Oh, she understands quite well.” Zarek grinned, and his sharpened incisors flashed like a wild animal about to attack its prey. “Speak, female. Let us hear your voice.”

  Tessa swallowed, trying to push the thick lump that was lodged in her throat. “What do you want me to say?”

  Rylan curled his fingers for her to come forward. She walked over to the chair farthest from the three of them and sat down, but it wasn’t nearly far enough away for her to not smell their intoxicating scents, or feel the intense body heat that came from them.

  “Didn’t our brother tell you why you were bought?” Soran asked seriously, but she didn’t miss how he kept scanning her body with his eyes.

  “I told her.” Rylan’s voice was far deeper than the other two. All of the brothers’ skin was the same shade of red, not too dark, but not too light either. It reminded her of the color that she would see when the sun started to set over the great mountains on her planet.

  “You seem intelligent, for a human,” Zarek said, but he didn’t make it sound as though it were an insult. He said it almost curiously, but continued to eye her body, too. Where Rylan’s dark hair was longer, Zarek’s and Soran’s black hair was cropped close to their heads. All three had gotten rid of their long dusters, and now only wore leather pants. Their chests looked chiseled out of stone, hard and defined, and so very wide. They were hairless, and she had noticed wing-like marks etched into all of their backs before they had taken their seats. Despite them looking very different, Tessa found them exotically attractive, as she assumed they found her exotic in appearance.