Breed Her Read online

  Evernight Publishing

  Copyright© 2014 Jenika Snow

  ISBN: 978-1-77130-722-2

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  To you!

  Thank you for being incredibly awesome!


  Warriors of Hades, 1

  Jenika Snow

  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter One

  Rylan stood amongst the beings that had come here tonight for the sole purpose of purchasing a female. The stench of decay, waste, and blood mingled around him, but he was used to such aromas. His black Mora-skin duster and hood made who and what he was a mystery to all around, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t tell just from his very presence the creature he was. They were on his planet, after all. At least they were smart enough to give him a wide berth. A few feet before him was a raised steel platform that would soon hold several females from all over the galaxy. It was the breeding season for several species, his included, and the need to find a female that he could bring back to his brothers drove him hard. This season the auction was being held on their home planet, Hades, and it couldn’t have come at a better time. With no females being born of his kind, and the males having to acquire their mates from other planets, or in this case from the intergalactic auctions, it was imperative that his species, the Warriors of Hades, find females to breed with and produce male offspring.

  His brothers, Zarek and Soran, were in need of a female to mate with, to breed and claim, as much as Rylan was. At a younger age finding females to be with sexually had been easy enough, because he and his brothers had been on off-world missions, but now that their need to breed rode them hard, they wanted a stable and permanent female to share, and that was what Rylan intended to obtain today. His younger twin brothers had stayed back, preparing their home for their soon-to-be mate. Maybe purchasing a female wasn’t the noblest way of finding a mate, but desperate situations called for desperate actions.

  Keeping his head lowered, he scanned the small, packed room. These auctions were held in many places, each one erected for only a night’s time. Since they were on his home planet they’d had to make some moderations to one of the outcroppings of a mountain farthest away from the lava rivers. The place had industrial sized vents that blew artic air, making sure to keep anyone unaccustomed to the higher temperatures of Hades more comfortable when the bidding began.

  Rylan could smell the females just behind the thin cloth that separated them from the heathens waiting to pay the highest amount to pump them full of their seed. Even thinking about it had his already raging arousal to breed slamming into him with even more force. Once the breeding need hit the Hades warriors they needed to find a female, mate with her, and claim her so all other would know she was theirs. There had been males that hadn’t found a female, and a darkness had overtaken them. Over time they would become irrational, and an almost evil entity would take over them, controlling their need for blood and violence. Although the Hades warriors were already violent and bloodthirsty, needing to fight to let off their aggression, when a male didn’t breed it became even worse. They would have no rational thought, no need but to kill, ravage, and take what they wanted. They were, in all actuality, beasts within humanoid skin, created for destruction and violence, but when the darkness took over they were truly the demons that came from the very bowels of hell.

  A willowy male alien with six arms and ash white skin stepped onto the stage. He had no eyes, just smooth skin and two thin holes for a nose. His mouth was a slash across the bottom half of his face, and when he spoke in his native tongue it came through as a slithering sound. But Rylan was well versed in galactic languages and listened with piqued interest as the alien spoke of the females about to be sold.

  “We have a wide variety of females this evening, and a real treat because we have a rare species on the block tonight.” He motioned with his hand to someone in the back, and the curtain parted to show ten females ranging in shape and size and species. But the one that instantly had Rylan’s cock punching forward and nearly ripping right through his leathers, was the human at the far end. Her kind was near to extinct, a dying breed because of their weakness and lack of intelligence. Their home planet, Earth, had been destroyed centuries ago, and the ones that had survived were scattered throughout the galaxy. They hid, clustering together, and living primitively. Rylan had never seen one in the flesh, and certainly not living on Hades. His planet could not sustain human life, not one that was trying to live on its own in the wild at least. For his planet was one of rock and fire, and his kind made their homes high in the mountains, with molten lava surrounding them.

  The bids for each female started being called out, but Rylan waited until the human female was up next. She wore no clothes, and although she didn’t try to hide herself from view, there was a very stubborn and strong expression on her face. He took his time looking over her body, one that was full of womanly curves. For a human that had to have been in hiding before her capture, she was thick with meat, and very tempting and arousing to the eye. Her breasts were huge and round, with a slight slope to them. The tips were a darker shade of red, and her flesh a soft pink color. He could imagine her underneath him, his darker red skin being a stark contrast to her softer hue. Her blonde hair was a nest of tangles tied atop her head with a leather strap, and the smudges of dirt that covered her face and limbs didn’t deter him from wanting her really fucking badly. His dick throbbed with the force of his desire, but he wasn’t thinking of taking her slow. He wanted her spread wide for him so he could watch his cock move in and out of her wet flesh. Then he would stand back and watch his brothers breed with her. She would carry a child for each of them, but she wasn’t just a vessel for their seed. They wanted a mate, a female to take care of and cherish, and one they could shower with jewels forged from the very fires of hell.

  Her hips were flared and lusciously curved. They were child-bearing hips, and that primal part of him, the one that saw her glorious body swollen with his child roared out for him to take her now, slide into the hot depths of her cunt, and spill his seed deep inside of her. The breeding need slammed into him harder and harder, increasing as quickly as his pulse did. Yes, she was the one he would purchase and take home this evening, and she was the one that he and his two brothers would get lost in for hours upon hours. Thinking of her pussy had him moving his sight down her rounded belly and right between her thighs. The hair that covered her cunt would have to go. His kind was hairless, and he didn’t want anything obstructing his view of what he already considered his.

  Several males called out bids for the human, but they were meager and not nearly what he was about to spend. “Fifteen thousand Declos.” There was a silence that descended over the room when Rylan called out the amount he would pay for her, and he knew it was due to a combination of the exorbitant price and the fact they picked up on his native tongue. The human female was staring at him, but he knew the hood covered his face from her view, and he knew she wouldn’t have knowledge of his language to understand what he had just said. But there was intelligence within the light blue depths of her eyes. He lifted his hands, and his red flesh a
nd black claw-tipped fingers became visible when the material of his sleeves slid down the length of his forearms. He then gripped the edge of his hood and pushed it back. He was several feet from her, but Rylan heard her gasp from the distance, and watched in predatory delight as her eyes widened and her fear slammed into him.

  “I said fifteen thousand Declos,” Rylan repeated more forcibly since his bid hadn’t been acknowledged. The auctioneer stuttered out something unintelligible. There were more hushed murmurs, and Rylan knew it was because he had just offered up ten times the asking rate for a breeding female, but he wanted the human, and wasn’t about to be denied or challenged.

  The auction closed in a matter of minutes after that, and Rylan stared back as the other males collected their females. He kept his eyes on his prize, and even though she was clearly fearful of what her future held, she kept her gaze trained right on him. Rylan had to commend her for her bravery, but soon that would be gone, especially when she realized that it wasn’t only him that she had to please, but his two brothers as well. Beings steered clear of him, and a part of him found it humorous given the fact they were on his home planet. Did they not expect a Hades warrior to attend an auction? He towered over them, was twice as big and five times more powerful, and they were on his territory. He had the advantage, and only the stupid ones thought to challenge a male from Hades, so Rylan supposed they were wise to be wary of him. He stayed leaned against the wall, the scent of smoke and ash and the heat from the fires raging just a mile away coming into the building every time someone pushed open the heavy metal door.

  When his human was the last one standing, he pushed off the wall and moved forward. His leather duster moved around his bare feet, and he kept walking, his eyes trained right on her the whole time, until he stood right at the edge of the steel podium. Before the Booka male could hiss anything out, Rylan reached in his coat, pulled out the leather satchel filled with the Declo coins, and tossed them at the alien’s feet. When the Booka grabbed the satchel Rylan reached out, snagged the rope that bound the female’s hands together, and pulled her forward. She lost her balance, and a small sound left her as she fell forward, right off the podium.

  Rylan caught her in his arms and was stunned to realize that although she was thick and voluptuous, she weighed but a Melan feather in his arms. He knew her kind was tiny in comparison to ninety-nine percent of the galaxy’s creatures, but now that he had her in his arms, there was, for the first time in his life, a sting of worry. She couldn’t be more than five feet, and compared to his seven foot tall height and three hundred pound build, she was more like a child in her stature. How could she handle him and all the filthy things he wanted to do to her, let alone Zarek and Soran, too?

  He looked down at her and examined her delicate features. Her skin looked smooth, fragile, and had a creamy complexion to it. Her flesh didn’t appear so unlike his kind’s, but where the Hades males’ flesh appeared humanlike, it was, in all actuality, thick and fire resistant in order to resist their planet’s harsh climates when out of their homes. The Hades people were humanoid in appearance, but that was where the similarities in their species stopped. The warriors were taller, more muscular, and a hell of a lot fiercer and more violent. He lowered his eyes to her small feet, ones that were filthy, but somehow that was adorable. Rylan followed the length of legs to her belly. Wherever she had been living clearly had enough food to sustain life, and it was clear she hadn’t gone hungry. That pleased him immensely. He liked this female all lush and soft. Her legs were closed, and he couldn’t see her cunt, a shame really, but he would have time tonight to memorize every inch of her, as would his brothers. Her hips were wide, and the image of him holding to her from behind while he pounded his dick in and out of her played through his head over and over again.

  Goose bumps popped out along her flesh, but he knew it wasn’t because she was cold. The scent of her curiosity, as well as her arousal that she was trying desperately to hide, was clear. This little female might be apprehensive and fear what her future held, but she liked the way he looked, and there was nothing that she could do to hide that from him. He took in her form, knew that the temperature outside would be uncomfortable for her, but once he was airborne there would be a breeze that helped keep her cool. The temperature on Hades was over ten Miloknots, but for a human that was over one hundred degrees. Perspiration dotted her flesh, and Rylan wanted to run his tongue along the beads, gather them up, then press his mouth right on her pussy and eat her out until she came all over his goddamned mouth. A low growl left him, and her eyes widened. Rylan certainly didn’t want to frighten her, but his kind was animalistic in nature.

  “You’re mine, female.” He grinned, but he was riveted to the sight of her breasts, which shook slightly as she breathed in and out rapidly. He could have looked at her for hours, just continuing to let his cock thicken behind his leathers as he became even more aroused by the sight of her. But Rylan needed to get her back to his brothers and her new home, and the sooner she became acclimated to her new life the better. He kept a tight hold on her as he made his way out of the building. The possessive and territorial side of him roared out in satisfaction and victory, because even if he had just purchased this female, she was his, and that was fucking set in stone and forged in fire.

  Chapter Two

  Tessa’s heart was pounding fast and hard, and it felt as if it would burst right through her chest. The creature that held her was monstrously huge and frightening. Although he held her in an ironclad grip, he was surprisingly gentle, especially given the fact he had some wicked looking black claws. It was said claws that curled into her flesh and hinted at the promise of pain. When she had first been captured all she had been able to think about was escape, but as the time passed and she was taken from one planet to the next as these slave traders gathered females, Tessa’s hope of ever seeing her home again dwindled away. Now it was about survival. She hadn’t lived for the last twenty-three years by doing foolish things, like running when death, or even worse torture, would be imminent. She very much wanted to live, and she knew her fate, had seen it when she watched the unwilling females be gathered up like livestock and sold to the alien willing to pay the most. Once more, she looked at the creature that held her. If she appealed to this male, perhaps he would treat her more like a pet that served him food instead of what she feared he had planned. To some being a pet was horrid and they longed for death, but Tessa had learned enough with the other humans she had been living with, and if she wanted to live she needed to play the part. Besides, this male could very well torture and maim her if she didn’t cooperate, and as much as she would have longed for death then, there were creatures in this solar system that derived pleasure from the blood and tears of others. No, she would have to play this safe and smart, because there was no one coming for her, and her chances of leaving were not worth the risk of the punishment that would be exacted upon her.

  The alien was silent, and the only words she had heard him say were to the other serpent creature, but the language had been gruff and not something she had ever heard before. She was so out of her element right now, and more scared than she had ever been. But what made her feel uncomfortable and confused was the arousal that tried to claim her. It had been so sudden, and had started the second she fell into this male’s arms. The way he looked at her told her that her fate would most definitely have sexual activities involved. She should have feared her life at the thought of being with this male in any way because of his sheer size alone. There was no doubt that what he had between his huge muscular thighs was just as large as the rest of him.

  She had been captured what felt like ages ago, and in all honesty it could have been because the days meshed together. It wasn’t like the traders spoke directly to the females they kidnapped, and aside from some harsh commands in the language each female could understand, they were ignored. They didn’t even have the pleasure of bathing alone, and when they were allowed to clean up there was always a
nasty creature watching. The first thing that registered when they landed on this planet was that it was uncomfortably hot. And then when they had exited the craft and she saw the jagged mountains, the red hued and smoky sky, and the rivers of lava that flowed far too close to them, she had known she was in hell itself. At first she had assumed she would either become food for another species, or a servant. There had been much talk of humans being nothing more than that to other species at the camp of humans where she had been born. But when her kidnappers stripped her of her clothing and lined her up with the other naked female creatures Tessa’s fate had become very clear. She was to be sold as some kind of pleasure slave.

  Earth, the planet her kind was originally from, had long since been destroyed, and she now knew humans were an almost extinct species. Etera, the planet where she had been living, resembled what she knew to be her ancestors’ planet. The food was abundant, the climate comfortable to sustain human life, and she had been happy there. Although Etera was perfect for her kind, there were wild animals that were ten times bigger than they were, and that were carnivorous. They had lost many people to those creatures, ones that liked to maim before consuming. But there was no place that didn’t have its dangers.

  She stared up at this male, one that looked like a demon by all accounts, and who bared his teeth at anyone foolish enough to come close. He had to be at least seven feet tall, with red tinted skin, and his hair that brushed his shoulders was the same shade as the ink from the Squinda beast. He may somewhat look human in appearance, but there was nothing humane about this male. Tessa felt his muscles tense beneath her, and they were so massive, so pronounced, that she knew it would take nothing but a flick of his wrist and he could break her in two.